HD Ready的意思、翻譯和例句


「HD Ready」是指一種顯示設備(如電視或顯示器)能夠支持高清晰度(HD)影像的標準,但並不是所有的設備都能以全高清(Full HD)或超高清(Ultra HD)解析度顯示影像。這個標準通常意味著設備至少能夠顯示720p的解析度,也就是1280x720像素。這個標準在市場上通常用來區分那些能夠處理高清內容的設備,並且能夠與HD信號源進行兼容。


  1. A type of display that shows clear pictures.
  2. A standard for TVs that can show high-quality images.
  3. A display that is ready for high-definition content.
  4. A device that can handle images that are clearer than normal.
  5. A specification indicating that a screen can show a certain level of image clarity.
  6. A classification for screens that can display images in a high-resolution format.
  7. A standard that indicates a device can process high-resolution video signals.
  8. A term used to describe displays that are compatible with high-definition video.
  9. A designation for devices that meet specific requirements for displaying high-quality video content.
  10. A label for screens that are capable of rendering images in a defined high-resolution quality.


1:High Definition Ready




例句 1:

這台電視是HD Ready,適合觀看高清電影。

This TV is HD Ready, suitable for watching high-definition movies.

例句 2:

如果你想要更清晰的畫面,考慮購買一台全高清的電視,而不僅僅是HD Ready

If you want a clearer picture, consider buying a Full HD TV instead of just an HD Ready one.

例句 3:

HD Ready的顯示器可以播放許多高清內容,但不是所有的內容都會以最佳品質顯示。

An HD Ready monitor can play a lot of high-definition content, but not all content will display at the best quality.

2:HD Compatible


這個詞用來描述那些能夠處理高清信號的設備,通常意味著它們可以接受來自高清來源的信號並顯示出來。這個標準對於消費者選擇設備時提供了更多的靈活性,因為許多設備可能標示為HD Compatible,而不僅限於HD Ready。


例句 1:

這款投影機是HD Compatible,可以連接高清設備。

This projector is HD Compatible and can connect to high-definition devices.

例句 2:

確保你的顯示器是HD Compatible,以便可以享受更好的畫質。

Make sure your monitor is HD Compatible to enjoy better picture quality.

例句 3:

HD Compatible的設備通常能夠支持多種解析度的信號。

HD Compatible devices usually support signals of various resolutions.

3:High Definition Compatible




例句 1:

這款電視是High Definition Compatible,適合連接高清遊戲主機。

This TV is High Definition Compatible, ideal for connecting to high-definition gaming consoles.

例句 2:

在選擇顯示設備時,檢查它是否標示為High Definition Compatible

When choosing a display device, check if it is labeled as High Definition Compatible.

例句 3:

High Definition Compatible的設備為使用者提供了更高的靈活性和選擇。

High Definition Compatible devices offer users greater flexibility and options.